Peer-reviewed Journals
1. McGetrick, P.J., Martin, T., Matis, P., Laefer, D.F., Al-Sabah, S., Truong-Hong, L., Huynh, M.P., Schultz, A.E., Le, J.-L., Shemshadian, M.E. and Labbane, R. (2022). Experimental testing and analysis of the axial behaviour of intermeshed steel connections. Proc Inst Civ Eng Struct Build 175(2), 153-173.
2. Shemshadian, M.E., Schultz, A., Le, J.-L., Labbane, R., Laefer, D.F., Al-Sabah, S., Truong-Hong, L., Huynh, M.P., McGetrick, P., Martin, T. and Matis, P. (2021). AMASS: Advanced Manufacturing for the Assembly of Structural Steel. Pract Period Struct Des Constr 26(1), 04020052.
3. Al-Sabah, S., Laefer, D., Truong-Hong, L., Huynh, M.P., Le, J.-L., Martin, T., Matis, P., McGetrick, P., Schultz, A., Shemshadian, M.E. and Dizon, R. (2020). Introduction of the intermeshed steel connection – A new universal steel connection. Buildings 10(3), 37. Featured contribution as cover of article.
4. Shemshadian, M.E., Le, J.-L., Schultz, A., McGetrick, P., Al-Sabah, S., Laefer, D.F., Martin, T., Truong-Hong, L. and Huynh, M.P. (2019). Numerical study of the behavior of intermeshed steel connections under mixed-mode loading. J Constr Steel Res 160, 89-100.
5. Huynh, M.P., Laefer, D.F., White, A. and McGuill, J. (2017). Temperature-related performance factors for chemical demolition agents. Int J Masonry Res Innov 2(2-3), 220-240.
6. Huynh, M.P. and Laefer, D.F. (2016). An alternative method for demolition. J Sci Educ, 1, 54-60.
7. Laefer, D.F., Ambrozevitch-Cooper, N., Huynh, M.P., Midgette, J., Ceribasi, S. and Wortman, J. (2010). Expansive fracture agent behaviour for concrete cracking. Mag Concr Res 62(6), 443-452.
Peer-reviewed Conferences
1. Huynh, M.P., Ui Mhurchadha, S.M., Tomaz, I., Quinn, P. and Raghavendra, R. A methodology for the embedding of sensors in components manufactured using metal laser powder bed fusion. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Texas, 2-4 August 2021, University of Texas at Austin, 214-223.
2. Al-Sabah, S., Laefer, D., Truong-Hong, L., Huynh, M.P., Le, J.-L., Martin, T., Matis, P., McGetrick, P., Schultz, A., Shemshadian, M.E. and Dizon, R. Applications of digital manufacturing to steel frames: The Intermeshed Steel Connection. In: Burgess, I. ed. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures: EUROSTEEL 2021 Sheffield – Steel’s coming home, Sheffield, 1-3 September 2021, John Wiley & Sons, ce/papers, 4:817-824.
3. Schultz, A.E., Le, J.-L., Shemshadian, M.E., Labbane, R., Laefer, D.F., Al-Sabah, S., Truong-Hong, L., Huynh, M.P., McGetrick, P., Martin, T. and Matis, P. AMASS: Advance manufacturing for the assembly structural steel. In: Ozevin, D., Ataei, H., Modares, M., Gurgun, A., Yazdani, S. and Singh, A. eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-10): Interdependence of Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Chicago, 20-25 May 2019, ISEC Press, 165-170.
4. Huynh, M.P. and Laefer, D.F. An alternative method for demolition. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Science and Construction Technology, HCMC, 18 June 2016, STU Press, 287-296.
5. Huynh, M.P. and Laefer, D.F. Expansive cements and soundless chemical demolition agents: State-of-technology review. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Science and Technology, HCMC, 21-23 October 2009, VNU-HCM Press, 209-214.